Kristen Leigh Auctions Limited
2 Bedford Terrace North Shields Tyne and Wear NE29 0AW
Kristen Leigh auctions limited was established in 2014 and we have constantly ran around 6-8 auctions a year selling autographs to vintage photos, to historical items to art to jewellery.
Our main collectables we often run are photos of Marilyn Monroe from her entire career from the photographers. Movie star autographs to Music autographs, Historical pieces, contemporary to modern art and quality timepieces and jewellery.
We have a large amount of repeat buyers and consigners that have inherited estates, private collections and photos direct from the artists including photography by Bill Ray whose most famous for the 1962 photo of Marilyn Monroe at John F Kennedy's birthday bash and Bert Stern who became most famous for the last sittings of Marilyn Monroe in 1962.
Over the years, our enthusiasm has never waivered. Being in a position where every day is different and one never knows what is going to come through the door.
We deal with the client services for consigners and buyers managing all of the office and administration systems, running a well oiled machine, from back office systems, pre-auction, auction day and post-auction processes.
We have a vast catalogue of results we rely upon to give accurate estimates and we operate one of the fairest operations in the business to buyers and sellers. We have a fast turn around on email enquiries. And regarding sales we don't levy a charge of commission on lots that haven't met reserve, and post items within a few days of the auction sometimes even on the same day.
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