Vente 65
Par Art La Rosa - Casa d'Aste
Viale Africa, 12 - 95129 Catania, Italie
Venerdì 26 maggio 2023, ore 16.30
La vente est terminée

LOT 350:

Group of no. 5 bells.

Vendu pour: €20
Prix de départ:
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25% Plus de détails

Group of no. 5 bells.
1) H 15cm; 2) 14cm; 3) 12cm 4) 13cm 5) 8cm
One in crystal, one in milky glass and brass socket. A porcelain depicting genre scenes. One in ceramic with gold and blue rhombuses. A blue and gold with floral decorations, 20th century.