Auktion 261 Teil 1
Von Bertolami Fine Art
Bertolami Fine Arts srl Piazza Lovatelli, 1 00186 Roma Italia, Italien

Inizio asta:

Sessione I: Mercoledì 14 giugno 2023 alle ore 15:00 CEST (Lotti 1-281) Oggetti d'arte, Avori, Wunderkammer, Argenti, Penne

Sessione II: Giovedì 15 giugno 2023 alle ore 15:00 CEST (Lotti 282-723) Gioielli, Orologi, Monete da investimento

Die Auktion ist beendet

LOS 48:

French bronze sculpture of a ballerina - signed OMERTH

Art Deco chryselephantine ...

Geschätzter Preis :
€1 500 - €2 000
Auktionshaus-Provision: 26% Nähere Details
14.6.23 bei Bertolami Fine Art

French bronze sculpture of a ballerina - signed OMERTH

Art Deco chryselephantine sculpture depicting a ballerian with face and body limbs made of elephant ivory (Loxodonta africana Blumenbach, 1797 or Elephas maximus Linnaeus, 1758). Truncated alabaster base signed ""Omerth"".

Height x width x depth: 22.5 x 19 x 8 cm. Weight: 1080 g.

Item condition grading: ***** excellent.

Accompanied by CITES certificate.

This lot is only available for sale with shipments within the European Community; the CITES certificate for export outside the European Community can only be requested for lots sold to museums.