拍卖会 58 第 2 阶段 Antiques, Works of Art and Collectibles
Av. Óscar Monteiro Torres 15B 1000-214 Lisboa, Portugal, 葡萄牙

Notice before bidding:

  • Any shipping costs outside of Portugal will be added to the final price and will be paid by the buyer. You can contact us for shipping costs before placing a bid.
  • Any tax that should be paid for importing the items to the buyer will be under the responsibility of the buyer including payments.

拍卖品 306:

Galo de barcelos

估计的价格 :
拍卖行佣金: 21%
23.1.19于 Bidding Leilões

Galo de barcelos

terracota pintada, séc. XIX/XX, partido e colado. Dim. - 40 cm.