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MANUSCRITO. COLECÇÃO de 16 cartas dirigidas a Julio Ernesto de Morais Sarmento.

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MANUSCRITO. COLECÇÃO de 16 cartas dirigidas a Julio Ernesto de Morais Sarmento.

MANUSCRITO. COLECÇÃO de 16 cartas dirigidas a Julio Ernesto de Morais Sarmento.

16 cartas autógrafas, manuscritas e dactilografadas, na sua maioria com envelopes e respectivos selos.

Letters dated 1937 and 1940 that denote, mostly written by former students and army officers, a sense of solidarity, chivalry and military honor in difficult moments in the life of Gen. Morais Sarmento A first group, from 1937, expressing regret for the premature death of his son Jorge, a second group with several letters of regret for the General's departure from the highest position of the Portuguese army in 1940, especially three letters sent from Nova Goa , as well as a reference to the decoration the General received from the King of England.


Translated by Google Translate.