Auction 1 Part 3
By Galleria Sarno
Dec 13, 2019
via Enrico Amari, 148 - 90139 Palermo, Italy
The auction has ended

LOT 272:

272 TAVOLO RETTANGOLARE ALLUNGABILE eseguito in mogano scolpito

Start price:
Estimated price :
€1,000 - €1,200
Buyer's Premium: More details
Auction took place on Dec 13, 2019 at Galleria Sarno

272 TAVOLO RETTANGOLARE ALLUNGABILE eseguito in mogano scolpito
TAVOLO RETTANGOLARE ALLUNGABILE eseguito in mogano scolpito con figure di grifoni alati e piedi leonini. Ebanisteria siciliana. Fine secolo XIX. Cm 148x90 H 78.
EXTENDABLE RECTANGULAR TABLE executed in mahogany carved with figures of winged griffins and lion feet. Sicilian cabinet making. Late 19th century. Cm 148x90 H 78.