Von International Autograph Auctions
Urbanizacion El Real del Campanario. E-12, Bajo B 29688 Estepona (Malaga). SPAIN, Spanien
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LOS 490:

LIGUORI ALPHONSUS: (1696-1787) Italian Catholic Bishop, Canonized a Saint by Pope Gregory XVI in 183

Verkauft für: €1 400
1 000
Geschätzter Preis :
€1 000 - €1 500
Auktionshaus-Provision: 25.5%
MwSt: 17% Nur auf die Provision!
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Kennzeichen: Autogramme

LIGUORI ALPHONSUS: (1696-1787) Italian Catholic Bishop, Canonized a Saint by Pope Gregory XVI in 183
LIGUORI ALPHONSUS: (1696-1787) Italian Catholic Bishop, Canonized a Saint by Pope Gregory XVI in 1839. Liguori, one of the most widely read Catholic authors, was also a composer, musician, artist, poet, lawyer, scholastic philosopher and theologian, and is the patron saint of confessors. An extremely rare Autograph Manuscript, unsigned, four pages, 8vo, n.p., n.d., in Italian. The manuscript is in the form of a religious prayer in the hand of Liguori, in part, 'My God, You who are so full of love and mercy, please save us from evil'. The manuscript would appear to have been created for use in a mass, with certain sections missing which Liguori would seemingly have been able to recite from memory. To the left column of the final page appears an autograph declaration signed by Giuseppe Murrone, a priest in charge of the congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, confirming that the prayer is entirely in the hand of Liguori. Signed at Monterone and dated 22nd August 1836 (by which time Liguori had been beatified by Pope Pius VII, in 1816). A blind embossed paper seal is neatly affixed beneath Murrone's declaration. Some light overall damp staining, only very slightly affecting the text, which remains completely legible. G