Urbanizacion El Real del Campanario. E-12, Bajo B 29688 Estepona (Malaga). SPAIN, Spagna
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LOTTO 568:

BOSCO JOHN: (1815-1888) Don Bosco. Italian Roman Catholic Priest, Educator and Writer. He developed teaching ...

Venduto per: €3 200
Prezzo iniziale:
2 500
Prezzo stimato :
€2 500 - €3 500
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25.5%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
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BOSCO JOHN: (1815-1888) Don Bosco. Italian Roman Catholic Priest, Educator and Writer. He developed teaching methods based on love rather than punishment, a method known as the Salesian Preventive System. Founder of the Salesians of Don Bosco. Canonized as a saint in 1934. Rare A.L.S., `Umile Servitor Sac.[erdote] Gio[vanni] Bosco´, two pages, 8vo, Varazze, 17th November 1875, to Countess Callori, in Italian. On the printed stationery of the ''Collegio-Convitto-Civico di Varezze'', Bosco writes to his correspondent, calling her `Mia Buona e cara Mamma´, thanks her for her financial help and support, and reports on the departure of the first Salesian missionaries to Latin America. Bosco states in part `Ho accompagnato i nostri missionari fino a Genova, fin a bordo del bastimento che doveva portarli in America. Erano allegri, commossi e rallegrati di darsi al Signore dove la divina provvidenza li chiamava.´, (''I accompanied our missionaries to Genoa, aboard the ship that was to take them to America. They were happy, moved and rejoiced to give themselves to the Lord where divine providence called them''). Bosco further forwards a message to Countess Callori on behalf of the missionaries stating ` raccomandiamo di ringraziare da parte nostra la Sig.[nora] Cont.[essa] Callori della carità che ci ha fatto. Dovunque andremo pregheremo sempre per Lei e per la sua famiglia e le anime che speriamo di salvare le apriranno certamente un giorno il paradiso. Speriamo che Ella ci continui i suoi favori mentre D.[on] Bosco ci mandarà novelli operai evangelici in ajuto.´ (''We recommend that we thank Signora Contessa Callori for her charity. Wherever we go we will always pray for her and for her family and for the souls we hope to save, and will certainly open heaven for her one day. We hope that she will continue with her favours while D[on] Bosco will send us new evangelical workers to help us.''). In very fine condition. VG Countess Carlota Calori di Vignale (1827-1911) one of the most important financial benefactors of Bosco´s projects. The first missionaries Bosco refers to founded the first parish which helped Italian emigrants arriving to Buenos Aires.