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CURNONSKY: (1872-1956) Maurice Edmond Sailland. French writer, known as the Prince of Gastronomy, one of the most celebrated writers on gastronomy in France in the 20th century. A.L.S., Curnonsky, one page, 4to, Paris, 10th October 1933, to a friend ('Cher Grand Enqueteur'), on the printed stationery of the President of the Academie des Gastronomes (the title etc. lightly crossed through in ink), in French. Curnonsky writes a charming, light-hearted letter on the passing of time, 'Hélas! Cher Grand Enqueteur, j'ai passe depuis tantot un demi siecle l'age heureux ou lon recoit des Etrennes, et ma....qui n'a d'egale que celle de St. Francois d'Assise....la joie d en donner. Quant a reformer le calendrier, voila trente ans que je demande qu'il soit enfin republicain et que les mois designes par des etiquettes romaines surannees, reprennent les noms charmants et si joliement symboliques et musicaux que leur avait donner le bon Fabre d'Eglantine. Floreal ou tiens tous le printemps, Thermidor tout brulant des chaleurs de l'ete, Ventose ou souffle la bise hivernale. Mais ils sont douze! Et il se fait tarde…' (Translation: 'Alas! Dear Grand Investigator, I have spent half a century past the happy age when one receives gifts, and my…..is only equalled by that of Sir Francis de Assis….the joy of giving. As for reforming the calendar, for thirty years now I have been asking that it be finally Republican and that the months designated by antiquated Roman labels, take up the charming names so prettily symbolic and musical that the good Fabre d'Eglantine had given them. Floreal where all spring is held, Thermidor all burning with the heat of summer, Ventose where the winter breeze blows, But there are twelve! And it's getting late…') Some very light, minor age wear and a few ink and pencil annotations to the borders, VG
Fabre d'Eglantine (1750-1794) French actor, dramatist and poet of the French Revolution, best known for having invented the names of the months in the French Republican calendar.