LOS 654:
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PAISIELLO GIOVANNI: (1740-1816) Italian Composer. One of the most popular opera composers of the late 1700s. He spent eight years in Saint Petersburg, invited by Russian Empress Catherine II, where he premiered his masterpiece Il Barbiere di Siviglia (1782). Scarce A.L.S., `Paisiello´, one page, 8vo, Naples, 21st October 1807, to Monsieur Gregoire, Secretaire de la division de la musique de la Chappelle Impériale in Paris in French. Paisiello states in part `Caro amico Mons. Gregoire, ricevi la risposta di Madame Gregoire a di 16 del corrente. Vi sevissi un altra mia in risposta alla vostra di 28 Septembre, forse la riceveveta contemporanea a questa…di fare affettuare da Monsignor Remusat tutto lio che a ditto… perche la ricevevo dodeci giorni prima della posta ordinaria…´ (Translation: “Receive Madame Gregoire's reply of 16th of the current. I sent you another one of mine in response to yours of 28th September. perhaps you received it at the same time as this one… to have Monsignor Remusat convey all that I said... because I received it twelve days before the ordinary mail…”) The letter-envelope is addressed to the verso in Paisiello´s hand. Bottom left corner clipped as a result of the opening. Overall creasing and toning, about G