Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
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SPONTINI GASPARE: (1774-1851) Italian Composer & Conductor, a favourite of Napoleon Bonaparte. A rare A.L.S., Spontini, two pages, 4to, Paris, 11th August 1810, to Monsieur Tacchinardi, in French. The letter bears the printed heading of ` Spontini, Compositeur particulier de la chambre de Sa Majesté l´Impératrice et Reine´ (Translation : ``Spontini, personal Composer of Her Majesty the Empress and Queen´´). Spontini makes a proposal to his correspondent and singer, stating in part `Stimattissimo Signor Tacchinardi, D´ordine di S. E. il primo Cianbellano dell´Imperatore e soprintendente de Teatri Imperiali, rispondo alla vostra risposta…´ (``Translation: Dear Mr. Tacchinardi, by Order of H.E. the first Chamberlain of the Emperor and superintendent of the Imperial Theaters, I answer to your response...´´) Spontini further refers to a monetary contract offer, saying `Supponendo adunque, all´amministrazione di questo Imperial Teatro, dico  da parte di Sua Eccelenza, , che per cantar nel Teatro Imperiali di Cittá, e della Corte vi si offrono per un anno diciotto mila lire, ed una serata di benefizio, che potete valutare per quattro e piu mila franchi…´ (Translation : ``Assuming, therefore, that a decision of yours has made you dictate such unalterable and harsh laws to be applied to the administration of this Imperial Theater, I say on behalf of His Excellency, that in order to sing in the Teatro Imperiali di Città, and of the Court, we offer you for a year eighteen thousand lire, and a benefit evening, which you can evaluate at four thousand francs and more...´´) Before concluding Spontini comments a concert event at Fontainebleau, saying `…un viaggio a Fontainebleau, ed in questa occasione i primi talenti sono gratificati di quattro a sei mile lire…´ (Translation : ``a trip to Fontainebleau, and on this occasion the main talents will be awarded with four to six thousand lire…´´) With address leaf to `Monsieur Tacchinardi, Chanteur très renommé au théatre´ (Translation : ``Monsieur Tacchinardi, very renowned Singer at the theatre´´) Bearing a red wax seal. Overall minor age wear and creasing, otherwise G

Spontini refers to Napoleon I when mentioning the Emperor and to Joséphine as Composer of the Empress.