Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
Von International Autograph Auctions
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LOS 1401:

HENRY IV: (1553-1610) King of France 1589-1610 and King of Navarre 1572-1610. First French ...

Verkauft für: €1 400
1 200
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€1 200 - €1 500
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HENRY IV: (1553-1610) King of France 1589-1610 and King of Navarre 1572-1610. First French Monarch of the House of Bourbon. Assassinated. A very fine A.L.S., `Votre bon oncle Henry´, one page, 4to, Fontainebleau, 23rd October, n.y., to his nephew the Prince of Piedmont, in French. The King states `Mon neveu envoyant vers mon frère le Duc de Savoye… Je lui ay comandé vous vysyter de ma part et vous rafrechyr les assurances que je vous ay fet doner par luy mesmes de la bone volonté que vous porte´ (Translation: `My nephew, sending to my brother the Duke of Savoy... I ordered him to visit you on my behalf and to update you with the assurances that I asked to be given to you by himself of the good will I forward to you´) A small area of paper loss to the left border as a result of the opening, although not affecting the text or signature. G to VG

Henry IV probably addresses the present letter to Victor Amadeus I (1587-1633) Prince of Piedmont 1605-30 and Duke of Savoy 1630-37. In 1619 he married Christine Marie of France, a daughter of King Henry IV and Marie de´ Medici.