LOS 1404:
LOUIS XV: (1710-1774) King of France 1715-74. A rare and interesting full manuscript letter in ...
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LOUIS XV: (1710-1774) King of France 1715-74. A rare and interesting full manuscript letter in the hand of the King, A.L.S. `Louis´, one page, 4to, Compiegne, 21st September 1766, to Ferdinand Duke of Parma, in French. The King states `Mon petit fils, est-il vrai que le Prince de Brunville ressemble à votre pauvre père, je le croirais assez par ses portraits, et par tout ce qu´on m´en a dit. J´ai encore eu un bon rhume, mais il va mieux depuis que j´ai pris du petit lait pendant deux jours... L´été nous est revenu, et j´ai eu plus chaud hier à la chasse que je n´en avais encore eu de cette année, cela fera grand bien à la vendange´ (Translation: "My grandson, is it true that the Prince de Brunville resembles your poor father, I would believe it from his portraits, and from everything that I have been told about him. I had a bad cold again, but it's better since I took whey for two days...Summer has returned to us, and I was suffering the heat yesterday while hunting more than I have been earlier this year, it will do a lot of good for the harvest...") Further Louis XV announces his immediate travelling plans, saying `Nous partons tous d´ici dans le courant de cette semaine, ainsi ma précieuse lettre sera datée de Versailles...´ (Translation: "We are all leaving here during this week, so my precious letter will be dated from Versailles...") To a postscriptum at the base of the letter Louis XV states `Nous eumes hier une belle cérémonie qui est celle de l´ordination qui fut faite par l´év[êque] de Soissons dans la chapelle, il y avait vingt-neuf ordinants´ (Translation: "Yesterday we had a beautiful ceremony which was that of the ordination which was carried out by the Bishop of Soissons in the chapel, there were twenty-nine ordinants") With blank integral leaf. Bearing to the verso the addressee in the King´s hand `A mon frere, et petit fils Ferdinand infant d´Espagne, duc de Parme et de Plaisance´, also bearing a very attractive royal crowned red wax seal in fine condition. VG
Ferdinand I (1751-1802) Duke of Parma and Piacenza 1765-1802. Grandson of King of Spain Philip V