LOTTO 1161:
PUVIS DE CHAVANNES PIERRE: (1824-1898) French painter. A brief A.L.S., P Puvis de C ...
Venduto per: €65
Prezzo iniziale:
Prezzo stimato :
€80 - €120
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 28%
IVA: 17%
Solo su commissione
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PUVIS DE CHAVANNES PIERRE: (1824-1898) French painter. A brief A.L.S., P Puvis de C, one page, 12mo, n.p., n.d., to [Edouard] Dubufe, in French. Puvis de Chavannes enquires 'avez vous fait un bon voyage? serez vous a la maison vers 3 heures?' (Translation: 'Have you had a good trip? Will you be home around 3 o'clock?'). With blank integral leaf. About EX
Edouard Dubufe (1819-1883) French portrait painter.