Auction 12 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
By Kedem
Oct 21, 2010
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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LOT 314:

Talmud Printed in Amsterdam and Frankfurt am Main – Glosses by "Nachal Eshkol" Auerbach Family Rabbis

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Sold for: $2,000
Start price:
$ 2,000
Buyer's Premium: 23%
VAT: 18% On commission only
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Auction took place on Oct 21, 2010 at Kedem

Talmud Printed in Amsterdam and Frankfurt am Main – Glosses by "Nachal Eshkol" Auerbach Family Rabbis
Gemaras from the printing of the Talmud in Amsterdam 1714-1715 (Berachot, Shabbat, Pesachim), and its continuation in Frankfurt am Main 1720-1722 (Shabat, Eiruvin, Rosh Ha'Shanah, Yoma, Succah, Meggilah, Gitin, Nedarim, Nazir, Sotah, Baba Kama, Baba Metzia, Baba Batra, Chulin, Arachin, Temurah, Keritut, Me'ilah, Nida) and another volume printed in Amsterdam (Sanhedrin, Makot, Shavu'ot and Avodah Zarah).
Total of 13 volumes.
More than 150 scholarly comments and glosses appear in all the volumes, some are exceptionally long, in tiny pearl-like handwriting of Rabbi Zvi Binyamin Auerbach, author of "Nachal Eshkol".
The well-known Rabbi Zvi Binyamin Auerbach (1808-1882, Otzar Ha'Rabanim 17500), one of the outstanding leaders of German Jewery and one of the fighters against the reform. Son of Rabbi Avraham Auerbach [a foremost rabbi in Germany and Alsace, disciple of Rabbi Natan Adler and friend of the "Chatam Sofer"]. Served as Rabbi in Darmstadt for twenty three years and held back against the attacks of the reformers. Later served as Rabbi of Halberstadt where he published the book "Ha'Eshkol" of manuscript by Rabbi Avraham son of Yitzchak of Narbona, with extensive commentary named "Nachal Eshkol", in which he demonstrated how brilliant he was and his proficiency in the Talmud and the Poskim, [this book made him world-known, both amongst the Rabbinical circles and the Poskim who discussed his writings, as well as amongst researchers who tried to falsely accuse the book as forged, not written by Rishonim, a polemic that resulted in many writings to one side or the other].
Different handwritten leaves were found within the volumes, Torah novellae and comments, drafts, part of a letter dated 1781, a poem, inscriptions and signatures, [by Rabbis of the Auerbach family]. Ancient signatures and ownership inscriptions of different periods. Ink-stamps of Rabbi Zvi Binyamin Auerbach the second, great grandson of the author of "Nachal Eshkol", the last rabbi of Darmstadt just before the holocaust. Died in Tel Aviv, 1973.
Various sizes and condition [most volumes in poor condition]. Comments in pencil.

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