Vente 396 Live Online Auction 396
Par Palácio do Correio Velho
Calçada do Combro, 38 A - 1º 1200-114 Lisboa Portugal
La vente est terminée

LOT 249:

Tapeçaria flamenga do séc. XVI/XVII

Vendu pour: €10 000
Prix de départ:
5 000
Prix estimé :
€10 000 - €5 000
Commission de la maison de ventes: 17.08%
TVA: 23% Seulement sur commission
Les utilisateurs venant de pays étrangers peuvent être exempts de payer des taxes, selon les réglementations de taxation correspondantes

Tapeçaria flamenga do séc. XVI/XVII
Rare and important Flemish tapestry from the 16/17th century, in shades of mustard yellow, blue, green and brown, representing a scene (unidentified) with a triumphal procession of a royal couple. Border profusely decorated with flowers and topped, in the corners, by royal helmets. Restorations, flaws and minor flaws.
Dim. approx.: 280 x 441 cm.