Auction 57 Part 2
Dec 11, 2018 (your local time)
 Av. Óscar Monteiro Torres 15B 1000-214 Lisboa, Portugal

Notice before bidding:

  • Any shipping costs outside of Portugal will be added to the final price and will be paid by the buyer. You can contact us for shipping costs before placing a bid. 
  • Any tax that should be paid for importing the items to the buyer will be under the responsibility of the buyer including payments.
The auction has ended

LOT 925:


Start price:
Estimated price:
VAT: 23% On commission only
Users from foreign countries may be exempted from tax payments, according to the relevant tax regulations


madeira, quatro portas de vidrinhos com oito prateleiras no interior, pés de bolacha com entalhamentos concheados, com chave, séc. XX, vestígios de insetos xilófagos. Dim. - 152 x 187 x 40 cm