Auction 203 Part 1 Antiques and Works of Art Modern and Contemporary
By Cabral Moncada Leilões
Dec 2, 2019
Rua Miguel Lupi, 12 A/D . 1200-725 Lisboa Portugal


November 27 • Wednesday from 10am to 8pm

November 28 • Thursday from 10am to 8pm

November 29 • Friday from 10am to 8pm

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LOT 318:

Naturalis historiæ, de Plínio, 1669

Sold for: €220
Start price:
Estimated price :
€150 - €225
Buyer's Premium: 24.6%
Auction took place on Dec 2, 2019 at Cabral Moncada Leilões

Naturalis historiæ, de Plínio, 1669
PLÍNIO, O VELHO [Gaius Plinius Secundus].- [...] NATURALIS | HISTORIÆ, | Tomus Primus [Secundus & Tertius] | Cum Commentariis & adnotationibus HERMOLAI | BARBARI. PINTIANI, RHENANI, GELENII, | DALECHAMPII, SCALIGERI, SALMASII, | Is VOSSII, & Variorum. | Accedunt præterea varia Lectiones ex MSS. compluribus | ad oram Paginarum accuratæ. | Item Joh. Fr. Gronovii Notarum Liber Singularis | ad Illustrem Virum Johannem Capelanum.- Lugd. Batav. et Roterod.: Ex Officina Hackiana, 1669.- 3 vols.: il.; 20 cm.- E.
Gaius Plinius Secundus (23-79), Roman scientist, naturalist and historian; the Natural History, considered his magna work, consists of 37 books. A very well-kept edition, with great critical importance, published simultaneously in Leiden and Rotterdam. Each of the volumes, with a different title, copperplate engraved, presents the following collation: tomus primus: [8], 838, [132] p.; tomos secundus: 917, [87] p.; tomus tertius: [8], 838, [134] p. Entire sheepskin contemporary bindings, slightly worn, sporting, in all covers, na unidentified crowned heraldic supralibros. A very clean specimen with carmine and waxed edges. Brunet (IV, col. 716): Belle édition et l'une des moins communes de la collection des anciens Variorum